13 December 2013

The aquarium at home – design ideas and maintenance tips

According to the Feng Shui philosophy an aquarium with fishes brings luck and money at home. Though, the financial crisis in your family budget shouldn’t be the only reason that can make you want to obtain such a home improvement. 
The presence of water in the domestic environment is eco and relaxing, but it is also stylish, charming and attractive. 
The aquarium at home is a stunning addition, simpler alternative for having a pet and truly gorgeous method to renew your living space. 
The following design ideas may inspire you to consider an aquarium for your house, while the maintenance tips could be useful for anybody, who has already got one:

* Experts advise not to make compromises with the aquarium size by getting a small one in the first place. Usually, the owners of an aquarium become really keen on their hobby and eventually the amount and the age of the fishes grow suddenly. Replacing the seaside species is a risky business and it takes lots of time. Therefore it is better to buy a large aquarium in the first place.

* Determine where the best location for your home aquarium is. Of course, the living room is the most classical alternative for the aquarium situation. However, putting it in the doorway or even in the bedroom is not a bad idea at all. The relaxing presence of water heals the night sleep, while the corridor can become truly welcoming with an aquarium for decoration.

* Original designs – modern trends dictate aquariums to be placed in odd objects, which make them even more original and attractive. You can see an aquarium in an old-TV-box or hanging on the wall in a painting frame. Other contemporary aquariums come in curved glass shapes or in a form of a night lighting system.
* Most important accessories – heater, thermometer, filter system and an aquarium pump. As to the fishes, get informed about the appropriate type of food they need and pay some extra attention on the aquarium interior. Fill it with natural stones, sand or other minerals.

* Typical mistakes to avoid – don’t turn off the system for more than an hour and don’t change the old water without cleaning the aquarium. Don’t overfeed the fishes no matter how amusing this action is for you. Last, but not least never leave the aquarium overpopulated. It is better to give the newborn fishes to a friend that let them all live together and die.

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