31 January 2014

Do men hate housework…for real?

How many household chores you could share with your mate? How do you think? Well, certainly there are some things he would do with enthusiasm or pleasure.

But seriously – is there a man, who likes cleaning, cooking, washing, sorting and shopping? All of these. Hardly...

However, according to us, every man should be involved in the home activities. Here are some housekeeping duties, arranged in ascending order (depending on the men’s preferences):
* Washing the car – this task is exciting! You don't even have to remind it! Most men appreciate their cars very much and maintaining them is just inevitable;

* Fixing the bed in the morning – this is not a complicated procedure, and requires only some seconds a day. Sounds good and easy;

* Washing clothes – if it comes to using the washer, your partner won't mind particularly as though the process is fully automated. Warn him to be careful with white and colourful washing. So he will not discover later that his favorite white blouse has become pink…somehow. As far as washing by hand – just forget it. The bathroom is only a place for bathing and shaving;

* Shopping – if your boyfriend is a generally organised personality, he will visit the grocery regularly. But he needs a list of necessary products and… your absence! Men don’t shop like women – that's quite clear;

* Cooking – it’s hard for most men (except he is not a chef, of course). You will rarely see a man with an apron in front of the stove. If you see it, you could feel special;

* Sorting – in general, men have no idea what the true meaning of that word is. Have you ever arranged your house, while your mate was doing the opposite right after you? Then you know what it is about;

* Cleaning – one of the items, which is not included into the male notions of good weekend, is the vacuum cleaner. So don’t expect any perfect results! If both of you don’t have enough time (or desire) for full carpet sanitising, think about professional cleaning services! You will be delighted.

Not taking part in housework or doing it with annoyance doesn’t show a lack of love or respect! It’s just the man’s nature.

Finally, remember that every rule has its exceptions. And each man is a different person. Your mate doesn’t mind helping you with anything? Then you are a lucky woman.

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