22 May 2013

Why chemical cleansers are dangerous for your health?

Open your drawer, where you store all the cleaning products, which you use every day to clean the windows, or the toilet bowl or to wash the dishes. Have you ever noticed their labels and especially the words “Caution”, “Warning “, “Danger” on them? You have probably noticed them, but you never put any sense in them. You buy the best commercial cleaning product and all you want is to clean perfectly. And the mentioned words are just words on a label. Or actually they are not?!

Most of the commercial cleaning products, even detergents and soaps contain toxic chemical ingredients, which can have dangerous consequences for your health and for the environment. In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers. Scary statistics, isn’t it?
Cleaning products which contain chemicals like ammonia, bleach or volatile organic compounds (VOC) can be really harmful to your health. They cause burns on eyes, respiratory problems, headaches or serious skin allergies.Other chemical ingredients in cleansers can interfere with the body natural hormone balance and cause long-term hormone disruption or even cancer. Mixing of bleach and other acid, for instance, can cause even death, so be really careful and never mix bleach with other cleaning products. A recent research concluded that even natural fragrances in air fresheners might cause health problems, by reacting with the ozone in the indoors air.

The solution- read carefully the label on the cleaning products and avoid buying ones with “Dangerous” or “Poison” warning on the label. Start using more natural cleaning products like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice or hire a cleaning company that uses only green cleaning products.

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