08 October 2014

Healthy ingredients in chocolate and the benefits of dark chocolate

One of the most promoted sweets in the world. All around the world chocolate has become an obsession – on fruits, with creams and even in some recipes with meat, its implementations are numerous. Many people connect chocolate only with the sweet milk type and they forget that there are many other varieties. Whole countries have turned this sweet thing in their main industry – Belgium and Switzerland are one of the most popular. Yearly they create tones and tones of chocolate products including candies, cakes and all kinds of sweets that can pop up in your mind. What does chocolate contain?
  • Dark chocolate. The healthiest kind of chocolate is full of flavonoids. The dark chocolate contains from 75 to 100 percents of cocoa solids and very little added sugar and milk. 1 ounce is the dose you need to lower your cholesterol level and to improve blood pressure.
  • Milk chocolate is the most popular type. Milk and sugar make it one of the sweetest and most loved. It has wide application as covering, addition to different dishes and so on. It is not as healthy as dark chocolate but you can enjoy it now or then just for satisfaction.
  • White chocolate. This kind doesn’t contain cocoa solids so technically it’s not chocolate. The only cocoa thing used in it is butter. The other ingredients are sugar, vanilla and milk. It’s not healthy at all, but some domestic cleaners use it as energy booster.
  • Resveratrol. This strange name belongs to strong antioxidant, found in the dark chocolate. You can find it also in grape and red wine. Dark chocolate is the second largest source of resveratrol after red wine, 13 micrograms per one serving while red wine contains 18 micrograms.
  • Cacao. This is the reason why there is chocolate. It’s precursor to neurotransmitters as serotonin and dopamine. Cacao helps to improve their continuous transmission in the same way as antidepressants. Also it is strong colorant and only a spoon of it on your carpet may require expert carpet treatment.

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