23 July 2014

How to survive the home makeover - tips

It’s frustrating and it’s hard, it’s expensive and it takes a lot of time, it’s dirty and difficult… and if you could you would probably skip it. This is the home makeover. And if it’s a big one, you can get from headache to heart attack till it’s over. Not to put yourself on such extreme challenges you need to do one simple but important thing: plan… and think of the possible breaks.
  • Time and weather planning. Although you make renovation inside, the weather can still reflect it: paint and veneer dry slower, etc. You can’t control the weather but you can control when your remodeling is. Think of where you are and what the ultimate conditions that you can get are. Then do your project according to the estimated time it may take.
  • Check the price and delivery term of supplies and materials. Do you use rare materials and how long it will take to get them, what quantity and how much it will cost? Think in advance and you won’t need to stop your renovation because two tiles are missing or the calculations weren’t right.
  • Choose a place to stay and to stock the materials and the instruments. If you are remodeling just one or two rooms of your home you can separate yourself in the rest of the home and stock the things on the construction site if they won’t be an obstacle. You can stay only if you can have similar to your normal life: cooking, regular home cleaning, going to work and taking care of the children. If you are renovating kitchen or bathroom, move away for the time of the project.
  • Do your paperwork. Check in the homeowners’ association or another similar place if there are “forbidden” renovations. Some neighborhoods are very strict about the look of the houses and making colourful patio can be more than bad idea. If you don’t check in time, you will paint and repaint after that plus a bonus: cracked nerves.
  • Think how long you will enjoy the makeover. Avoid changes when your tenancy is ending or they won’t stay long (fitness in baby’s room with baby on the way), even if the landlord has gave his blessing but you are not sure you are staying in the same place for the next around 5 years. Better get end of tenancy cleaners and find a better place.

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