Dear husbands, if you haven’t still cooked something especially for your beloved woman, it’s never too late to do it. Ladies are usually very impressed with men who enjoy cooking and prepare some tasty goodies. So, don’t hesitate to make some of these wonderful soups when you feel inspired and ready for gastronomic pleasures. Read carefully and pick up one tempting, warm soup to gladden your wife:
17 December 2014
10 December 2014
5 signs your boyfriend shows he wants to settle down
How well do you know your boyfriend? Can you read his thoughts without even letting him speak? Well, if you can do, probably, you will guess the right moment to speak about living together. On the other side, if you cannot guess his expressions yet, we're here to help. See 5 signs your boyfriend shows he wants to settle down:
03 December 2014
Christmas gifts for billionaires - let the dreaming start now!
Remember when you were a child, you used to play “pretend”, right?! Christmas is knocking on your door and miracles happen every day. Today I suggest to play an interesting game of “Christmas pretend”. Let’s imagine we have a billion pounds! There is no better time of the year to dream and to imagine some magical things. So, now you’re very rich and you can buy some really extravagant, even ridiculous gifts currently available in the marketplace. Check out our suggestions and have fun, because dreaming and visualising is completely free of charge:
26 November 2014
Meals to avoid in case you are a stain removal dummy!
We all have our sins. And the most common ones are usually hidden either at home, or in our bad habits. Here’s one thing lots of you probably suffer from – making spots and dirtiness everywhere they go. Call it clumsy or absent-minded, but these people should at least be more prudent in cleaning chores. Things get worse, when they are both – dirty-makers and poor housekeeper. If you recognize yourself in this determination, check out the meals to avoid in case you are a stain removal dummy:
19 November 2014
How to lull your baby to sleep
For many moms lulling their baby to sleep is extremely difficult. The more time your child is awake, the more you feel tired. If that is your problem, then take a look at these useful tips:
12 November 2014
Top 4 things that young men should get rid of
The place where you live shows a piece of your character. The way things are ordered, or the lack of order at all, shows the newcomers what person lives here. People change, so homes also should change. Men often neglect this. You can see thirty years old men, living in a place that looks like a teenager’s den. If any young man is reading this, please consider throwing away some of this stuff:
05 November 2014
Home improvements with glass – Feng Shui tips
What distinguishes Feng Shui from any other home style arrangement is that it has particular rules and strict directions to follow. Today, we will speak over the home improvements with glass. Check out what Feng Shui says about them. Follow them, if you want to bring love, harmony and prosperity in your house. Because these are the main aims of Feng Shui:
29 October 2014
6 things to think about before you renovate
Here are the best tips you should take under consideration before the renovation at home. Check them out on mandatory. If you need to, write them down and take a glance at them before your renovation process begins. See the 6 things to think about before you renovate right away:
- Stick to a budget. Have in mind that knowing what you will pay for will reduce the unnecessary expenses. Meanwhile, be prepared to spend 20% extra more from the initially established sum. All kinds of issues, delays and other bad stuff happen.
22 October 2014
The most dangerous things for kids around the house
Kids are fragile, we all know this. Most people think that protecting their child means only to keep it safe at home. But how safe is home indeed? Do you ever think of all the hazards, that you don’t see just because they are disguised as normal everyday objects?! Here is a short list of some of the most common items around your house, that can endanger your kid.
London, UK
15 October 2014
5 great guest beds
If you don't have a separate guest room at home, then providing beds for your guests could be a real challenge. Here are our ideas which may come in handy in such a situation:
- Trundle beds: That kind of bed provides additional sleeping space to the bedroom without the need of adding any other furniture. You may always store trundle beds under the main one, so it is ready for use anytime you have guests at home. These beds are available in different sizes, most of which are standard
08 October 2014
Healthy ingredients in chocolate and the benefits of dark chocolate
One of the most promoted sweets in the world. All around the world chocolate has become an obsession – on fruits, with creams and even in some recipes with meat, its implementations are numerous. Many people connect chocolate only with the sweet milk type and they forget that there are many other varieties. Whole countries have turned this sweet thing in their main industry – Belgium and Switzerland are one of the most popular. Yearly they create tones and tones of chocolate products including candies, cakes and all kinds of sweets that can pop up in your mind. What does chocolate contain?
02 October 2014
The guest bathroom – why you shouldn’t neglect it
Believe it or not, the little guest bathroom can seem not only attractive, but spacious as well. You shouldn’t neglect it! There are some tricks you may use anytime – check out what we have prepared for you:
- If the bathroom door opens inwards, it will take a large part of the area. In this case it is better the direction of opening to be reversed;
- The free space under the sink can be used for installation of cabinets. Think practically and look for the way how each element in the bathroom can fit in the best possible way;
24 September 2014
Cape Cod-style house – why not?

Cape Cod-style comes from colonial New England and is still common nowadays. It could give you plenty of various ideas, which you can use at your home. Here are some examples – check them out:
- Double dormers – dormers are used to punctuate the steep rooflines of the Cape-cod style houses. The most popular design includes gabled dormer that combines an ordinary pitched roof with two sides;
17 September 2014
How to overcome fear of air travelling
You are about to travel by plane? Don't let fear ruin your trip. The plane is still the most convenient and fast vehicle. However, air travelling is really safe, many people are frightened, when they have to use this kind of transport. Of course, as every fear and this must be overcome.
Here are a few tips that will help you to stop worrying unnecessarily:
Here are a few tips that will help you to stop worrying unnecessarily:
10 September 2014
Make a little gym in your basement
Going to a gym is a great idea, but it is not appropriate for those who are short of time. You have to spend time to travel getting there and also returning home. It can be quite uncomfortable, if you can’t get a shower at the gym. Actually, if you have a basement it’s a perfect place to work out. You don’t need to travel and you can get a shower at your place. So why don’t you think about converting your basement into a small gym. Follow these simple tips:
03 September 2014
Pros and cons of energy saving bulbs
The official name of the energy saving bulbs is compact fluorescent lamps, abbreviated CFL. They were created to replace the incandescent lamps. Promoting energy saving, they became the leader in the market. Even the European government stimulates their use. But are they actually that good? Let’s have a look at their pros and cons.
- Energy efficiency
This one is the first that comes to everybody’s mind. Energy saving bulbs use only one fifth of those used by an incandescent lamps. The difference comes from the physical principle they are based on. Unlike incandescent lamps, they don’t dissipate heat. This is the main reason that brings efficiency up. Energy saving bulbs are more expensive than regular ones, but the investment is worthy.
21 August 2014
Things to run away from if you are a renter
Finding a suitable place to settle down isn’t easy. Since rental life exists, the renters have been facing the truly difficult task to sift the good tenancy apartments or flats out. Naturally, each tenant has its own preferences, claims and tastes, when it comes to extras, contemporary facilities, luxury interior or necessary facilities. However, there are general things you should seek on mandatory, when you are on a rental view. On the other side, it is recommended for you to be aware of the things to run away if you are a renter. See some of them now and try to avoid them:
06 August 2014
Solar Power – to have or not to have
If you have recently been to Southern England, you must have seen one new tendency in housing there. Almost half of the homes there are covered with the very popular solar panel these days. The great location and the appropriate direction of the sunlight in Southern England make people here rely on the Solar Power technology to provide more eco-friendly and more affordably both – electricity and hot water. So, what do you think – Solar Power – to have or not to have?
solar panels,
solar power
London, United Kingdom
30 July 2014
Cleaning all-stars: the best cleaning products of 2014
Finding a decent and good cleaning product these days might sound easy, but, as a matter of fact, it is not. Some of them are too chemical and toxic, while others are green, but do not cope with stubborn stains and nasty grease. On the other side, testing all of them – and they are quite many – till you find the most appropriate one is a waste of time, money and even more. Just imagine how many pieces of furniture or carpets you can lose until you manage to pick up the right product for their maintenance. Because of these uses, we have gathered for you the best cleaning products of 2014. All of them are tested and they are the cleaning all stars you need and look for:
23 July 2014
How to survive the home makeover - tips
It’s frustrating and it’s hard, it’s expensive and it takes a lot of time, it’s dirty and difficult… and if you could you would probably skip it. This is the home makeover. And if it’s a big one, you can get from headache to heart attack till it’s over. Not to put yourself on such extreme challenges you need to do one simple but important thing: plan… and think of the possible breaks.
- Time and weather planning. Although you make renovation inside, the weather can still reflect it: paint and veneer dry slower, etc. You can’t control the weather but you can control when your remodeling is. Think of where you are and what the ultimate conditions that you can get are. Then do your project according to the estimated time it may take.
16 July 2014
Situations when it's cheaper to buy a new carpet than to sanitise the old and stained one
Sometimes no matter how attached we are to our old “present of mom” carpet, you need to replace it with new one and sometimes the situation is not so desperate. But when you need to leave it to rest in peace in the trash instead of grabbing the cleaning fluids like a superhero and start scrubbing?
- Matted down carpet – some carpets can regain part of their like-new appearance if they are thoroughly cleaned but others like these made of polyester are better to be replaced. Their fibers are not very resilient and they mat down and even professional carpet care can’t help.
- Olefin barber carpet – if the loops lay down then it’s time to start browsing the sites and shops for new rug. Olefin is durable but prone to matting and resilient fiber. Also it attracts dirt and it’s inclined to keep stains even after good maintenance so if your carpet is over 3 years old think of new one. This fabric is cheap, so it will be easier to replace than to clean.
09 July 2014
How to make a regal interior at home
Magazines and advertisements, and even movies, tell us that modern interior trends are as much space and as little furniture as possible. Separate modules hanging on the walls, low clearly cut glass tables, along with a sofa in one of the angles, a vase of decorative flowers or a basket full of fruits in the other, and a large empty floor. This is considered taste. But how many of you have ever dreamed of throwing around several accents that will give the house the conservative opulence and cozy look of a royal place? It is possible and achievable. Several hints, several touches, several changes, and several ideas you may look at:
02 July 2014
Zen bedroom - why not?
Searching for a balance and peace in our dynamic world have become a challenge - deadlines, stress, noisy environment and many other obstacles stand before our inner harmony. When we get home many times we face limited space, chaos, cacophony of styles and furniture. Even in our peaceful harbor – the bedroom – occasionally we accommodate storage space, office and sleeping area. This prevents our abilities to rest and to recharge after exhausting day. Use these Zen advices to arrange your bedroom and to get better and more refreshing sleep:
- Use natural materials – wood, stone and bamboo should be the basic building elements of the decoration and the furniture. For more warmth use soft colors of the wood and laminate flooring. Spread a couple of cotton or woolen rugs and this can be the base of retreating sanctuary.
25 June 2014
The importance of the inventory and the obligation for end of tenancy cleaning
The inventory as a document and the inventory check as a pre and afterward procedure linked to the rental life is closely connected with both – end of rental sanitising and proper maintenance of each element in the property. Once you decide to live on rent or you simply want to change your current occupation place, you will have to bear in mind these things. We want you to be prepared and not to get negatively surprised, so see more information and details about these mandatory procedures:
19 June 2014
Clean your coffee grinder
How do you think – do you maintain your coffee grinder well enough? Some regular care and a little diligence will be quite helpful. Here are some useful pieces of advice for you:
- Get the grit out – first of all, you should deal with the tiny particles of coffee. Remove the hopper and start with a good vacuuming. For that purpose, you can use any vacuum with a wand extension. The alternative is to force some air into the spaces by a can of compressed air. You must check if the chute is clogged or coated with coffee. If yes, you should rustle it and loose with a toothbrush or finger. To dislodge any residues, use air again;
11 June 2014
How to keep your mattress smelling fresh
Mattresses in the bedroom and the guest room deserve some extra attention. They require to be restored regularly enough and to be kept in a perfect hygiene condition. This saves them from the bed bugs and makes your beauty sleep even more beneficial. In addition to this, a mattress should be finely sanitised in both cases – when you make a stain on them, and once in a while to preserve them fresh. However, speaking of freshness, a mattress is good to smell nice, too. And this time we skip the bed bug subject in order to tell you how to keep your mattresses smelling fresh:
05 June 2014
Tips for people who hate carpet sanitising
Dear housekeepers and dear people, who just hate cleaning, we have gathered for you an amazing pack of tips and simple solutions that will definitely simplify your life! Want to know them right away? Well, start reading, because the following tips for people, who hate carpet sanitising really work and they will really save you lots of nerves and time! Besides, it is never bad to learn some secrets that may help you have a good and decent home without even sweating. And a carpet is an essential part of any living space since it gathers so much grime and attracts so much dust, right? You know it better than anyone:
28 May 2014
10 supplies that every college teen will need
Sending your child to a college is very important moment in life. But he/she must be prepared for the ‘appearance’ of some household chores that probably you’ve been taking care of. Teach the teenager that there are 5 cleaning supplies he/she will need for sure:
- Disinfecting Wipes – they are extremely effective against crumbs and sticky unidentified mess. Wipes also prevent spreading of the bacteria. They are really very useful. That is why, probably, students will use those wipes to disinfect pretty much anything;
22 May 2014
How to get rid of odours in furniture
It is not only about wiping and keeping the furniture away from little children’s sticky fingers or your favourite barbecue sauce. Save for cleaning, you need to maintain the furniture stylish and beautiful. And part of this not that easy process is making it smell fresh and nice. Of course, this task isn’t the easiest one, but, with few efforts and our professional help you will learn how to get rid of odours in furniture and maintain it hygienic for longer time:
12 May 2014
Ideas to increase your property price
Home improvements are not only due to people’s desire to feel comfortable and convenient in their own places. On the contrary, some of the most classical and traditional DIY projects for refreshment, repairs and betterment of a particular house or flat are meant to come in use for other people, but not the present owners.
The mission to increase the property price is either handled, when a person wants to sell his house, or even in advance – just in case one day he will be able to move into a better place or to change the city.
09 May 2014
Smart tenants don’t fall for these crazy landlord’s claims
Relationships between tenants and landlords have different aspects and a lot of extraordinary moments appear sometimes. Whatever happens, don’t forget that your lessor has a legal obligation to you, defined by the rental agreement you both signed.
However, there are incorrect people who will try to hoax you, using different false claims. Don’t let your landlord hide the truth and reveal his real intentions and thoughts. Check out all these outrageous landlord claims and don’t let yourself be misled:
However, there are incorrect people who will try to hoax you, using different false claims. Don’t let your landlord hide the truth and reveal his real intentions and thoughts. Check out all these outrageous landlord claims and don’t let yourself be misled:
30 April 2014
Types of bank credits for home improvement
Being creditworthy and financially stable enough gives you the opportunity to apply for a credit and receive assistance for a better lifestyle. Mostly, the occasions for getting a personal loan are due to purchase a new home place or a new car. Though, when you have already become lucky to have these necessary conveniences, you have other options to improve your life.
For example, you can take a look now at the following types of bank credits for home improvement:
23 April 2014
Stain solutions for rarely occurring spots
Being a housekeeper comprises many different skills. Except for hoovering, dish washing, dusting and doing the laundry, there are some other responsibilities. A whole “chapter” in home cleaning is represented by stains. Probably you often find methods of treatment of the most widespread stains.
Eventually, thanks to all these tips, you’re already an expert in treating some kinds of stains. For example: blood, coca-cola, chocolate, tomato sauce.
carpet cleaning,
stain removal,
upholstery cleaning
London, UK
17 April 2014
Ideas for awesome digital photo albums
Modern and innovative technologies have made wonders with our lives. Moreover – they have made everything ordinary in life look more shining, luxurious and attractive. The examples are hundreds, but today we will speak over the photos.
Yes, people, who claim to be sentimental, may agree that if you haven’t photos of your most remarkable moments in life, you actually have no life.
Meanwhile, those, who love new technologies, have become photography lovers, too, because the most contemporary digital cameras, ordinary smartphones, tablets and iPods today have amazing options for capturing the moment in its impressive and stirring view!
Meanwhile, those, who love new technologies, have become photography lovers, too, because the most contemporary digital cameras, ordinary smartphones, tablets and iPods today have amazing options for capturing the moment in its impressive and stirring view!
11 April 2014
Caulking: Pro Tips
Caulking at home is a general and common repair action. You may have never done it before, because you think that you cannot deal with it.
Calling the professionals is, of course, a wise decision. After all, this is your home and making improvisations with it isn’t very smart. However, learning and improving your personal abilities are also good things.
And today, you will get a fast and useful lesson for caulking at home.
04 April 2014
What to do if the wine cork breaks in the middle
Romantic music and blurred lighting. Precisely cooked homemade Italian dinner – in half done. The dessert is chilling in the fridge, but you and your personal love match prefer to skip it and have some nice wine...
Everything seems amazingly smooth and lovely, when suddenly... – you break the wine cork!
Now what? First of all, have in mind that this may happen to everyone and it is not the end of the world. Neither the end of the date. Second of all – see what to do step by step:
* Firstly, don’t panic at all!
carpet cleaning,
wine cork,
wine stain
Portsmouth, UK
28 March 2014
Things you should not put in the washing machine
In recent years, the washing machine is the best friend of housewives. It can be found in every household. Nowadays the machine is not a luxury, but a necessity.
Hardworking machine not only washes clothes better than scrubbing by hand, but leaves enough time for women to have more enjoyable activities.
Washing machine is not a fairy. It does not wash absolutely everything you can think of. Opposite. There are some things that if you put in the washing machine, they will no longer have the same appearance. Here is a list of prohibited things for washing machine.
Washing machine is not a fairy. It does not wash absolutely everything you can think of. Opposite. There are some things that if you put in the washing machine, they will no longer have the same appearance. Here is a list of prohibited things for washing machine.
21 March 2014
Save money, while you are washing the dishes
You may claim that housekeeping requires solid budget to be performed effectively and healthily. Though, we are ready to reassure you in this. Thinking how we can do that? Well, read the following dishwashing tips we have gathered for you. Then, you will realise that it is actually possible to save money, while you are washing the dishes:
- Know your own interest and calculate what it is more affordable for you – investing in a dishwashing machine or washing the dishes by hand? Do not listen to anybody, who tries to
12 March 2014
How to guess if the carpet needs a casual or deep treatment
While some housekeepers suffer from a lack of enough time tidy up and sanitise, others find difficulties in estimating the situation at home.
Deciding whether it is the right moment to cleanse something is not as easy as it sounds. As you know some domestic items may get wasted or even damaged, if they are treated too often. On the other side, any delay may cost you lots, too.
carpet cleaning,
carpet treatment,
London, UK
28 February 2014
Energising yourself before a big event/project/undertaking
If you know that you have a big event or project coming up, it is very important to find the energy to deal with it the best way you can. There are few pieces of advice that can really do miracles:
* A good morning routine. When you know you have a big meeting at work today, you should make an effort and present yourself at your best. In order to be awake, alert and responsive you need to have an excellent morning routine.
* A good morning routine. When you know you have a big meeting at work today, you should make an effort and present yourself at your best. In order to be awake, alert and responsive you need to have an excellent morning routine.
Everyone would like to sleep until at least 9 o’clock but you should remember that “It is the early bird that catches the worm.” Get up.
upcoming event,
upcoming meeting
Wimbledon, London, UK
19 February 2014
How to choose a solar hot water system
The solar hot water system becomes increasingly popular. It is a part of the “green living” (or eco-friendly living) idea. Using such a system is a very good investment, when you are careful. There are some things you should think about, before buying the system:
- Make some analysis – research the potential companies-providers of such systems. Remember that the price is higher than the price of the gas or electric water heater. But it saves lots of energy – it’s proven that you will reduce your costs with 50 to 80 %. Sun is something completely free so you will not feel the bad influence of the inflation, for example;
- Make some analysis – research the potential companies-providers of such systems. Remember that the price is higher than the price of the gas or electric water heater. But it saves lots of energy – it’s proven that you will reduce your costs with 50 to 80 %. Sun is something completely free so you will not feel the bad influence of the inflation, for example;
14 February 2014
What I am obliged to sanitise in end of tenancy cleaning
If you are new in tenancy life and the first tenement is about to be left behind, you will need to know some specifics of this type of housing. Naturally, the most important obligation you have, when you choose another new house to rent or when you finally buy an own one, is to do the purge of your present occupation.
The end of rental cleaning and all of its tasks are usually explained by the landlords or they are signed in the renting contract. Though, sometimes, you may have to figure it out by your own – what I am obliged to sanitise?
05 February 2014
Spring clean tutorial
Spring is on the way, putting you in need of a deep clean of your home. Every spring you realise that, in order to have more sunshine and freshness you have to work hard on disinfecting and sanitising each corner of your home.
Read on to find all you need in one place and good luck on this tough beginning!
- The good old check list – every well done job starts with upfront preparation. Order your priorities to have a clear view of the necessary detergents and time.
31 January 2014
Do men hate housework…for real?
How many household chores you could share with your mate? How do you think? Well, certainly there are some things he would do with enthusiasm or pleasure.
But seriously – is there a man, who likes cleaning, cooking, washing, sorting and shopping? All of these. Hardly...
However, according to us, every man should be involved in the home activities. Here are some housekeeping duties, arranged in ascending order (depending on the men’s preferences):
But seriously – is there a man, who likes cleaning, cooking, washing, sorting and shopping? All of these. Hardly...
However, according to us, every man should be involved in the home activities. Here are some housekeeping duties, arranged in ascending order (depending on the men’s preferences):
24 January 2014
How to clean mirrors
A clean home is a shining home! No one can disagree with this! However, even if you do your daily purges in time prudently and if you keep everything in perfect order and hygiene, there may be something missing in your domestic freshness and brilliance.
Wondering what we are talking about? Of course, we mean the mirrors. They reflect everything and they are the main corrective for perfection and loveliness at home.
17 January 2014
Hiring a contractor for home improvement – useful facts and tips
Projects for home improvement are usually hard, difficult and truly huge to be handled by your own. Embarking on improvisations and overtaking some building reconstructions or big repairs are not recommended, if you don’t have enough skills, knowledge or slight idea how to operate and act.
DIY projects are good for small repairs and simple redecoration conceptions. However, big home improvements, which come with a big investment, must be done with a contractor’s assistance. Contractor is mandatory, if you want safety and effective results of the renovation in your house.
London, UK
09 January 2014
Secrets for home comfort with a small baby in the house
Expecting or already having a baby doesn’t bring happiness and joy only – and you know this for sure!
Surprisingly, these little cute manikins may create enormous chaos at home and preserving the living environment fresh, stylish and sanitised becomes a real challenge.
Though, there is a possibility for you to avoid at least half of the mess and still maintain an order at home.
Though, there is a possibility for you to avoid at least half of the mess and still maintain an order at home.
babe safe,
Beckenham, Greater London, UK
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